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Best Practices for Media use of Drones

September 21, 2016

Best Practices for Media use of Drones

Image result for media drones

While operating on University campus it is important to follow these best practices guidelines to ensure safe, responsible, and legal flight a UAS. The Remote Pilot in Command (PIC) is responsible for all operations tat they are overseeing, even if they are not directly operating the UAS.


·         Register your UAS for commercial purposes with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

·         Have a valid commercial UAS remote pilot license.

·         Check the airspace for the desired location and receive Air Traffic Control (ATC) permission if necessary.

·         Alert bystanders of the area to be filmed so as to allow them to avoid it.

·         Receive permission from the University prior to any flight.

·         Obey limits on operation set by the University on the requested flight.

·         Have a preflight inspection checklist for UAS flights.

·         Maintain visual line of sight using visual observers if necessary.

·         Follow all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations regarding UAS use.


·         Invade people’s privacy.

·         Continue filming someone when asked to stop.

·         Operate the UAS in an unsafe or illegal manner.

·         Fly while under the influence or otherwise impaired. This includes some medications and states of mind such as fatigue.

·         Store personal data for longer than necessary.

·         Do not share personal data carelessly and delete data in a responsible manner.

·         Fly outside the limitation of the license and applicable waivers.

·         Fly over or unnecessarily close to people.